And Then There Were None


And Then There Were None

By Agatha Christie

Directed by Tom Amick

Sept 20-22 & 27-29, 2013

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Ten people are invited to a lonely Island where they are cut off from everything but each other & the inescapable shadows of their own past lives. One by one, the guests share the darkest secrets of their wicked pasts. And one by one, they start to die…

Mystery, Rated PG


Rogers: Stephen W. Nance

Mrs. Rogers: Patti Hann

Mrs. Rogers (Sept. 27): Wanda Smith-Goshorn

Fred Narracott: Brandon Hufcut

Vera Claythorne: Megan Revelt

Philip Lombard: Chris Cook

Anthony Marston: Bobby Brenize

William Blore: Travis Jones

General Mackenzie: W. Andrew Stover

Emily Brent: Deb Millhouse

Sir Lawrence Wargrave: Scott Cairns

Dr. Armstrong: Matthew Henning